Leadership Issues:

Scale:         Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; and Not Applicable. Typical Questions or Statements:

  1. Morale in this department is good to excellent.
  2. The department is guided by a set of values and a vision
  3. There is cultural diversity within the department that reflects the diversity in the community.
  4. The department has a good image in the community.
  5. A conscientious effort is made in the organization to create a warm and friendly work environment.
  6. I am encouraged to make suggestions and I feel that they are considered.
  7. Conformity is very important in my department.
  8. We have a three-year or five-year organizational plan with measurable goals and objectives.
  9. There is no sexual harassment in the department.
  10. There is an emphasis on openness and trust in the organization.
  11. The organizational structure of the department works efficiently and effectively.
  12. There are clearly defined lines of authority within the organization.
  13. The command work well together.
  14. The Chief has a clear vision for the department.
  15. The Chief needs to take a more active role in the management of the department.
  16. The department is headed in the right direction.
  17. The department is headed in the right direction managerially.
  18. The organization values new ideas offered by its members.
  19. I think the results of this survey will be used to help improve conditions.
  20. Promotional procedures allow eligible officers a fair chance at promotions.
  21. The department has a good crime prevention program.
  22. The Chief is an effective leader.
  23. The people who get promotions usually deserve them.
  24. This is a value-driven department, not a rule or policy-driven department.
  25. There is an emphasis on setting goals and achieving quality.
  26. There is an emphasis on setting goals and achieving performance.
  27. The department uses the most up-to-date police techniques.
  28. The organization provides for the personal growth and development of its members.
  29. There is no racial discrimination in the department.
  30. I receive adequate pay for the work that I perform.
  31. This is a learning organization.
  32. The Chief encourages open communication and feedback.
  33. Top commanders see their basic purpose as being supportive and helpful to their divisions or sections in the organization.
  34. Top commanders see their basic purpose as being supportive and helpful to their staff.
  35. The Chief is well respected in the department.
  36. The department is headed in the right direction organizationally.


Management and Operational Issues:

Scale:         Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; and Not Applicable. Typical Questions or Statements:

  1. I am recognized/rewarded for my good performance.
  2. The department maintains high standards of performance.
  3. People are expected to work together and share available sources.
  4. DWI/DUI is vigorously enforced.
  5. Discipline is progressive and evenly administered.
  6. Discipline is progressive and evenly administered at all levels.
  7. Members feel personal responsibility for achieving organizational goals and feel they can exercise the necessary discretion to do so.
  8. Change and transition are well planned and well managed within the department.
  9. Part-time employment requests are handled fairly.
  10. Opportunities for off-duty employment are handled fairly.
  11. The evidence room is secure.
  12. I have enough information to do my job well.
  13. We rarely have employee challenges to discipline, procedures, policies, or promotions.
  14. My Captain maintains high standards of performance.
  15. The records system is easy to use.
  16. Methods for determining assignments are in place and are used fairly.
  17. It is common to get conflicting orders from superiors.
  18. I have the latitude to solve problems.
  19. In-service training is well managed and addresses important issues.
  20. The department keeps me updated on legal matters and new case law.
  21. My Lieutenant maintains high standards of performance.
  22. I have been well-trained in departmental policy.
  23. Traffic laws are vigorously enforced.
  24. My Sergeant is a good supervisor.
  25. The dispatchers do a good job.
  26. My Sergeant backs me up on serious calls.
  27. Opportunities for overtime work are handled fairly.
  28. Patrol officers and detectives work well together.
  29. My Sergeant shows me how to improve my performance.
  30. Vacation leave is handled fairly.
  31. Equipment is not used until officers have been trained in its use.
  32. My Sergeant does a good job of training me.
  33. I need more direction to do my job well.
  34. I receive the training necessary to do my job well.
  35. I can name three values that are important to my immediate supervisor.
  36. My Sergeant maintains high standards of performance.
  37. The grievance procedure is fair and equitable.
  38. Managers are fair with subordinates.
  39. Police vehicles are clean and in good repair.
  40. I have a reasonable opportunity for training outside the department.
  41. My supervisor is supportive and willing to assist me.
  42. I receive training when policies are changed or updated.

Personal Responsibility Issues:

Scale:         Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; and Not Applicable. Typical Questions or Statements:

  1. I request to be part of a committee addressing issues of importance in the department.
  2. I offer solutions to help solve problems.
  3. I get a feeling of satisfaction from doing my job well.
  4. People work hard in the department.
  5. College education is important to me.
  6. Advancing through the ranks is important to me.
  7. I enjoy challenging projects and developing creative solutions.
  8. I am part of the solution, not part of the problem.
  9. I readily offer suggestions for improvement within the department.
  10. I would like to become a chief of a police department someday.
  11. I take responsibility for my own actions.
  12. I feel safe knowing that other officers will assist me if l am in danger.


External Factors/Resource and Support Issues:

Scale:         Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; Strongly Disagree; and Not Applicable. Typical Questions or Statements:

  1. The police department building is adequate and in good condition.
  2. City government provides the appropriate amount of resources, funding and equipment for the police department.
  3. There are no strong, outside influences on the activities, priorities, funding, and equipment for the police department.
  4. Fringe benefits are good.
  5. City government supports the police department and its officers and employees.